
整形外科 英語論文執筆サポーター



理学(身体)検査(Physical Examination)一般に関する表現(レシピ①)

  1. A is the most reliable method for detecting B.
  2. A was a requirement for the diagnosis of cuff-tear arthropathy.
  3. This test is useful in separating impingement lesions of all stages from other causes of shoulder pain.
  4. The tests were carried out in this sequence as a matter of convenience.
  5. The factors that we evaluated in reviewing the effects of the radical acromionectomy were pain, strength and function.
  6. Special attention was directed toward the incidence of recurrent dislocation or subluxation, the apprehension sign, and range of motion.
  7. Assessment of an athlete with shoulder pain should take into account a careful history of clicking sounds, symptoms with overhead activities or previous trauma.
  8. Before the initiation of electromyography, all subjects underwent an orthopaedic shoulder examination to confirm the presence of normal glenohumeral range of motion.
  9. These included muscles responsible for scapular motion, glenohumeral motion, and elbow, forearm, wrist, and finger motion.


  1. Strength was judged by manual muscle testing.
  2. The stability of the shoulder is tested after the patient is anesthetized.
  3. The examination was performed clinically in the awake patient, at the time of surgery in the anesthetized patient, and at follow-up assessment with the patient awake.
  4. Each subject was asked to perform the four proposed versions of the liftoff maneuver.
  5. Stress testing should be performed with the MP joint in flexion or in both flexion and extension.
  6. The patient suspected of having an acromioclavicular injury should be examined in the upright position.
  7. Physical examination was performed documenting active range of motion, signs of ligamentous laxity and apprehension sign.
  8. The arm was abducted 70 degrees to 90 degrees, and the patient’s elbow was supported by one of the examiner’s hands. The examiner’s other hand was placed posterior along the proximal humerus. An anteriorly directed force was then applied and the glenohumeral translation was noted.
  9. Each subject was positioned supine on a table with the scapula stabilized, the humerus abducted to 90°and the glenohumeral joint in neutral rotation. We then passively rotated the forearm of the subject to maximal external and internal rotation positions. The sides of a goniometer were placed along the ulnar border and perpendicular to the floor. The authors recorded maximal internal rotation when a firm end point was reached at the glenohumeral joint, just before the scapula protracted or the shoulder rotated up and off the table. External rotation measurements was recorded when a firm endpoint was reached, just before the back arched.

肢位(Testing position)(レシピ③)

  1. To determine any influence from gravity, each test was carried out with the subjects in both standing and prone positions.
  2. Anterior and posterior stability testing were performed with the patient supine and assessed in five positions of humeral head.
  3. The load and shift test assesses the glenohumeral translation and is performed with the patient’s arm in 20°of abduction and forward flexion while the patient is seated or supine.
  4. The patients follow a precise protocol in the standing position with a symmetric distribution of load on both knees and in extension of the knee.
  5. Side to side differences in strength was measured in three planes using a hand-held dynamometer.


  1. These four conditions were recorded three times for a total of 12 recording per specimen.
  2. Testing was performed in 3 positions of abduction and 3 positions of rotation.
  3. The testing procedures were repeated three times and the average measured torque at each incremental position was recorded. A torque versus rotation curve was then plotted. The procedure was then repeated for the following testing sequences: 1)…, 2)…, 3)…, and 4)….
  4. All motion and stability tests were repeated at least twice for each capsular preparation (intact, cut and short) in each shoulder.


  1. Two types of load were added to the subjects arm.
  2. One series of measurements was made without external load, the subject only holding the weight of his arm, in a second series of measurement a 1-kg mass was fixed at the wrist.