
整形外科 英語論文執筆サポーター




  1. Goniometric measurement of glenohumeral internal and external rotation with the scapula stabilized is a more specific method of measurement of glenohumeral motion than determining the spinal level achieved by the internally rotated hand and arm.
  2. Internal rotation in the non-dominant arm was significantly less in players with 6 to 9 years of tournament play compared with those with less than 6 years(p < 0.08).
  3. The boundary of the low-tension zone was determined as the angle at which the slope of the curve became at least two times greater than the slope at the previous angle and continued to increase as the rotation angle increased.
  4. Knees in which the symptoms arose more from degenerative osteoarthritis or from joint pathology other than the meniscus lesion were also excluded.
  5. Vertical tears occurred more often than horizontal and patients with vertical tears were significantly younger than those with horizontal tears. Vertical tears were relatively more common in men than women but this difference was not significant.
  6. More flap tears arose from the upper surface than from the lower, in a ratio of 7:1.
  7. At the time of latest follow-up, five players were still participating at the major league level and five had retired.
  8. A comparative review of the functional outcomes in patients older than and younger than 60 years was carried out.
  9. More than one factor in failure was present in almost every case.
  10. The greater the frequency of dislocation, the greater the destruction of the rim.
  11. The detection of partial-thickness tears of the rotator cuff by imaging is more difficult than that of full-thickness tears.
  12. There were seven elbows with a loss of extension of more than 10°(15-60°), three with a loss of flexion of more than 10° (15-20°).
  13. In this study, the rate was lower than these at 2.8%.
  14. The radial head and as much of the neck as necessary are resected.
  15. If the greater tuberosity is displaced more than 1.5 cm, it is often necessary to reposition.
  16. Prosthetic replacement for proximal humeral malunions seems to have less satisfactory results than arthroplasty done for acute fracture.
  17. Compared with the children treated with traction and a cast, those treated with titanium elastic nails had shorter hospitalization, walked with support sooner, walked independently sooner, and returned to school earlier.
  18. At all time points, patients treated with the active motion program had greater intraphalangeal joint motion.
  19. The active motion group had both significantly smaller flexion contractures and greater satisfaction scores.


  1. The results deteriorated over time.
  2. A has been unresponsive to conservative treatment for 12 weeks.
  3. The patient's arm was kept in a sling for 6 weeks.
  4. Postoperatively, the elbow is held in 30 degrees flexion on a plaster back- slab for 36 hours.
  5. All 10 were asymptomatic and had maintained a high level of performance for a mean of 3.6 years (range, 1 to 8).
  6. If the patient has had several courses of nonsurgical management and pain recurs with every return to athletic activity, six to eleven months are considered an adequate trail.
  7. The usual interval before progression to the next step is two to three weeks.
  8. After three to four months, if a patient reported that the instability had not improved, an operative procedure was recommended.
  9. The operation was performed from one week to 21 months (average, 3.1months) after initial examination.
    The operation was performed from one week through 21 months(average, 3.1 months) after initial examination.
  10. Conservative treatment of three to six months was usually indicated as the first choice of treatment.
  11. By three months the patient should have regained 70 per cent of external rotation and elevation of the shoulder.
  12. All injuries were treated within 2 weeks of injury.
  13. The patients were followed at intervals of six to eight weeks to observe their progress.
  14. If there is no improvement in two months, cuff imaging is performed.
  15. The patient is usually back at office work or school in two weeks.
  16. The length of the lower tone state varies from a short period of hours or days to a period of weeks or months.
  17. The illness (episode) usually lasts a few days to 2 weeks.
  18. The average duration of follow-up at the most recent physical examination was 39 months (range, 12-73 months).
  19. The time from radical acromionectomy to evaluation in this study was less than one year in seven patients, one to two years in twelve.
  20. In fifty-seven of the sixty-one patients, stabilization of the humerus was accomplished within the first twenty-four hours after admission.
  21. They had been training for at least two hours, five times per week for 18 months before referral.
  22. The total rotation also decreases with age and years of total play in the dominant arm.
  23. The index for the radius increases from 0.7 at the age of five years in boys and four years in girls to 0.8 at age 12 in boys and age 11 in girls.
  24. All fractures united by a mean of 3.3 months postoperatively. No backing out of the pin and screw was identified, and no penetration of the proximal locking pin had occurred by final follow-up.
  25. In all cases, avascular necrosis and collapse was diagnosed less than two years from the time of injury.
  26. There is also evidence to indicate that prompt reduction (within 24 hours) of a displaced fracture may reduce the incidence of AVN


  1. The image intensifier is positioned on the contralateral side of the injury, with its C-arm parallel to the floor. Depending on the model of the image intensifier, the base of the machine may have to approach the operating-room table at a 45-degree angle.
  2. This is mandatory in order to see two views, 90 degrees apart, of the fractured extremity.
  3. Fracture fragment displacement ranged from 0 to 3mm (average, 1mm) and rotation ranged from 15°to 90°(average,47°).
  4. The scapular plane was defined as the plane that makes a 30 degrees angle with the frontal plane.
  5. The load and shift test assesses the glenohumeral translation and is performed with the patient's arm in 20 °of abduction and forward flexion while the patient is seated or supine.
  6. Stress testing should be performed with the MP joint in flexion or in both flexion and extension.
  7. The arm was abducted 70 degrees to 90 degrees, and the patients elbow was supported by one of the examiner's hands.
  8. At surgery, the patients arm was positioned at 60°of abduction and neutral flexion, extension, and rotation with 10 to 12 pounds of longitudinal traction applied.
  9. For the pitchers, external rotation with the arm abducted 90 °averaged 118°in the dominant shoulder.
  10. Our study shows a 17.0°difference, on average, between the dominant and non-dominant shoulders.
  11. The average range of active forward elevation in all of the shoulders improved from 71 to 100 degrees, and both external and internal rotation improved as well.
  12. For the entire study group, abduction in the plane of the scapula increased an average of 75 degrees, from a preoperative average of 33 degrees to a postoperative average of 108 degrees.
  13. On the average, sectioning of the interval capsule increased the range of flexion by a mean of 6 degrees, extension by 7 degrees, and external rotation in the neutral position by 6 degrees.
  14. Pitchers demonstrated 9 °more external shoulder rotation at 90 °on the dominant side compared with non-dominant side. They also had 5 °less shoulder flexion, 15 °less internal rotation on the dominant side when compared with the non-dominant side.
  15. Postoperatively, the average flexion contracture decreased by 14°, and the average extension contracture decreased by 6°.