
整形外科 英語論文執筆サポーター




  1. MRI was performed first, followed by ultrasonography, plain X-P, and CT.
  2. All twenty-one patients were evaluated with magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomographic arthrography.
  3. Anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder in internal and external rotation were made, as well as an axillary radiograph.
  4. Arthrography was performed with use of the double contrast technique.
  5. In addition to the hospital charts, the preoperative and postoperative radiographs were available.
  6. Routine anteroposterior and axillary radiograph of the shoulder were made two, six, and twelve months postoperatively and yearly thereafter.
  7. Plain radiographs were obtained preoperatively, immediate postoperatively, and at follow-up visits 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after surgery.
  8. Axillary views were obtained for evaluation of the glenoid component.
  9. Arthrography has also been used to diagnose complete tears.
  10. If the posterior margin of the glenoid was medial to this line of neutral version, then the condition was defined as retroversion of the glenoid cavity, and the angle between the line of neutral version and the line connecting the anterior and posterior margin of the glenoid was measured and recorded as a negative number of degrees.
  11. The image intensifier is positioned on the contralateral side of the injury, with its C-arm parallel to the floor. Depending on the model of the image intensifier, the base of the machine may have to approach the operating-room table at a 45-degree angle.
  12. The impaction fracture of the humeral head was measured on computed tomographic scans made in the horizontal plane at the level of the greatest diameter of the head and was expressed as a percentage of the projected total articular surface.and computerized tomographic arthrography.


  1. radiographs were available. Dual 50μm wire electrodes were inserted intramuscularly into the studied muscles with the Basmajian single-needle technique.
  2. Electrode placement for the upper and lower subscapularis was performed as described by McCann.
  3. The needle in the anterior fibers of the deltoid was two inches below the lateral end of the clavicle and the electrodes in the supraspinatus were placed in the middle of this belly.
  4. Correct elctrode placement was verified by visual inspection of muscle contraciton with electrical stimulation to the wire elecrode leads and by observation of the electromyopgraphic interference pattern during specific manual muscle testing.
  5. Nerve conduction velocity studies were not routinely performed.
  6. After a resting level EMG was recorded to exclude ambient noise, a 5-second maximum manual muscle test (MMT) was performed.
  7. Because of the suggestion of different anatomic and functional features, both the upper and lower portions of the subscapularis muscle were electromyographically isolated.